I truly believe that God can work miracles. Maybe, even the miracle of changing our hearts to see and do his will. Jesus lived in an oppressive environment ruled by the Romans, yet He never once called for the overthrow of the government/ruler. From His birth Herod dogged Him, through out his ministry the powers-at-be were after Him, and upon His death the religious segment and the governing ruler sanctioned his death. Yet, he did not cry out for elimination—but that they come to the Truth!
As believers should we be crying out to God for our tax breaks and our comforts? or should we be praying for a change of heart , insight, and commitment of our leaders? Most of our prayers are not for God but are for us! We tend to skip over “Thy kingdom come” that Jesus told us to pray when he taught the disciples (and us!).
I guess the question that I ask myself is "Does God want me to pray that the one we oppose be eliminated (that is, lose the election) or that his heart be comforted to heart of Jesus? Since both candidates profess to be Christians, then it is incumbent that we pray for whoever wins!