It won't be long now before people stop talking to each other. Mark Driscoll, senior pastor of Mars Hill Church, was misquoted in the Wall Street Journal. They took some comments entirely out of context and used the "bites" that suited their story. This painfully reminds of the twisting placed upon news stories to fit the agenda--whether it be the extreme right or left! Who, in their right mind, would want to be in the public eye or run for office these days knowing that their words will be distorted by the opposition and/or the "responsible press".
Over the years Jesus and the Bible have faced similar distortions. The Word has always been under attack. God's Word has been maligned by both those who profess faith and those who do not. I just look forward to the day when the media becomes truthful and men handle the Word of God in truth...not manipulating it to fit one's doctrine or lack of belief.
When God's Word is handled properly the truth shines forth and works bring life to the enquirer.