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Friday, March 08, 2013

Letting Go

So you’re in a spot of trouble.  Well, you aren’t the first and you sure won’t be the last—so have faith and keep your hope up—whether you make it out alive or not will largely come down to you: your attitudes and your actions (Bear Grylls, survivalist).
When it comes to survival, Bear knows his stuff.  When he’s not grossing me out, I enjoy watching him survive situations most of us never want to encounter.  Unfortunately, we live in the world and we face various situations that mess with our lives and well being.  The ultimate question is how do we handle them?  Do these adversities control us or do we control them?  For the believer do we let God be in charge or not? 
It is never easy to abandon ourselves and let God work his will.  But until one comes to that position, one is never free to experience the power of Christ in one’s life.
Easy?  Never.  Necessary?  Absolutely.  To quote the timeless adage:  “Let Go and Let God!”

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Honoring Who?

In January Louie Giglio turned down an opportunity to  pray at the president’s inauguration.  Gay activists found a sermon he delivered some 15-20 years prior which took a stance against the gay lifestyle.  Because of the controversy he did not think it wise to be involved in the ceremony.  This, of course, raised controversy from both sides.  The following is a quote from the Huffington Post:
“Just because Giglio honors God with his ministry doesn't mean he didn't miss a huge opportunity to repent of a past sermon that was filled with language not honoring to the millions of Americans who are gay, and have been hurt by the church”  (see note below).
When I read through this article this statement jumped out at me.  The thought came to mind, who are we, as ministers of the gospel, here to please?  The writer, Emily Timbol, seems to offers two solutions…God and the gays.  In my mind that calls the question, to whom do I answer?  Who determines my belief and conduct?  Do I let society shape me into its mold  or do I let God set the agenda through his Word?

Pardon me if I choose to side with God and not mankind.

In today's world we face many conflicting positions with the world.  Our worldview is different.  It is not based upon what the world decides is right, but is based upon God's Word.  The teachings are clear it is up to us to either accept or reject what he has already declared.

The link to the Huffington Post blog:

The link to the actual sermon Giglio preached:

Monday, January 14, 2013

A Change of Life

It has been interesting to approach retirement.  In my work environment most people can't wait to walk out the door and get out of their job.  I have thought much about this because that has not been my direction.  In fact, I have gone out of my way not to retire. 

The difference is between a job and a calling.  Without sounding self-righteous,  I have enjoyed my work.  It has not been merely a paycheck, but it has been sharing the good news of the gospel with people in need and/or people who have wanted to grow in their faith.  That is not a job it is a privilege.

When I locked up my office for the last time, it was not walking away from a job.  It was walking away from a significant part of my life.  Now trusting the Lord to fill the vacuum that it creates...maybe it would have been easier to treat just as a job!