So you’re in a spot of trouble. Well, you aren’t the first and you sure won’t be the last—so have faith and keep your hope up—whether you make it out alive or not will largely come down to you: your attitudes and your actions (Bear Grylls, survivalist).
When it comes to survival, Bear knows his stuff. When he’s not grossing me out, I enjoy watching him survive situations most of us never want to encounter. Unfortunately, we live in the world and we face various situations that mess with our lives and well being. The ultimate question is how do we handle them? Do these adversities control us or do we control them? For the believer do we let God be in charge or not?
It is never easy to abandon ourselves and let God work his will. But until one comes to that position, one is never free to experience the power of Christ in one’s life.
Easy? Never. Necessary? Absolutely. To quote the timeless adage: “Let Go and Let God!”