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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Getting Back to the Bible

   I receive a number of ministry webpages geared to help the pastor do a more productive job in ministry. . . creating ministry, using one's time more effectively, etc.  What is becoming apparent is the lack of biblical dependence by the writers.  It is most like there but hidden (I hope this is the case).    But I fear this is not the case.  It is academically more impressive to refer to the Atlantic than the Bible. 
   I grew up mainline until I accepted Christ in university some 54 years ago.  My pastor came out of Boston University and gave us a diet of Saturday Review and the Atlantic.  There was the nod to Scripture from the lectionary and that was it.  Eighteen years of Saturday Review and the Atlantic came from the pulpit.
   My concern is that as evangelicals we have ditched the Bible for other sources and our opinions in our quest to be relevant?  This is not a call for "proof texting".  It is a call for serious, scholarly grappling with God's Word and how it relates to world today.  It is a call to shaped once again by Scripture and not by the world.

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