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Thursday, September 30, 2004

Reading through the prophets can be a very revealing experience. It seems the second half of Isaiah deals with the idolitry of the Isaelites. The most grievious afront to God is not the moral lack, but placing other things ('gods') before him. Time and again He chastizes the people for their postitution, i.e. their turning from him to other gods. It would seem that all other sins eminate from this. If God is not in charge, how then can we live a moral,righteous life? If Christocentric, we fail.

Then comes Ezekeil. Reading through chapters 26-32, God deals with the nations surrounding his chosen. Here the emphasis is upon pride. Tyre, Sidon, Egypt all think of themselves as the ultimate. Look at their culture and power. But God reminds them (and us) that it is He who has done all thing and we cannot claim the glory. Thus he takes them down.

We are always one step away from being destroyed because we think we are great. As the Word reminds us, "Pride comes before the fall!" (Proverbs 16:18)

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